Love truly conquers all. See our own Superstar Cobhams looking so handsome.
More pics after the cut
Friday, December 27, 2013
With so much love, i wish you & your loved ones a very Merry Christmas in arrears and a Prosperous New Year in advance. May all your heart desires come true.
Have a great celebration everyone!! Kisses to everyone.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Being natural some say is the best way to know how beautiful a woman is... I also hear gist of guys tripping for a made up chick and running away after seeing her without one.
This is to you guys, no matter how beautiful a chick is, makeup perfects that beauty, makes her look alive and attractive. The only issues i have is that some makeup you see makes you wonder if it was a painters job. Thier eyebrow,eyeshadow and lipstick are like OMG.
C'mon, if you must makeup, then do it appropritely, you like it or not, there are rules to having a flawless madeup face.
See pictures below:
This is to you guys, no matter how beautiful a chick is, makeup perfects that beauty, makes her look alive and attractive. The only issues i have is that some makeup you see makes you wonder if it was a painters job. Thier eyebrow,eyeshadow and lipstick are like OMG.
C'mon, if you must makeup, then do it appropritely, you like it or not, there are rules to having a flawless madeup face.
See pictures below:
Monday, November 11, 2013
Winning a girl back can be much harder than catching the eye of a new girl, but if you really want to reignite an old flame, there are a few things you can do to maximize your chances.
Making Her Want You Again!!!

Give her some space. The first thing you need to do is give the girl some space. If you start knocking down her door and calling her every five minutes she'll only pull further away from you. The amount of space and time you give her depends on what happened when you tried to date her. If you ended a serious relationship, you'll need to give her more space than you would if you had just dated a few times.
- Don't call her, chat with her at parties, or email her just to see how she's doing. Don't even think about her.
- If you see her socially, be polite and say hi, but make it clear that you're not going to bother her.
- Just don't give her too much space. If you leave her alone for a few months, that will give her plenty of time to find someone new.

- Give yourself some time to reflect. Not only should you give her some space, but you should give yourself some space to reflect and think about what went wrong in the relationship. Take the time to sit down and ask what you did to make her not want you; were you too attentive, too moody, or too distant? Whatever you did, you have to make sure never to do it again if you want a moment of her day.
- Write down the things that went wrong. Consider what you can do to improve this kind of behavior.
Don't date anyone else during the reflection period. Focus on self-improvement and working on not repeating the same mistakes.
Don't pursue her until you've figured out what went wrong and know how to change it.

Stay busy. Though you should avoid getting busy in the bedroom while you're trying to win your girl back, you should try to lead a busy and active life so you can work on being independent and pursuing your interests. If you're just sitting around waiting for enough time to pass to start trying to hang out with her again, she'll know.
- Continue pursuing your hobbies and interests. Don't stop doing all of the things you love because your heart is aching.
- Spend time with your friends. They'll cheer you up and lend you a fresh perspective.
- Work out. Your self-esteem will improve if you exercise a few times a week, and all the better if she sees you out running.

Let her see you having a great time. Once you've given her some space and have worked on self-improvement, she'll be much closer to wanting you. But now you have to put all the pieces together and let her see what an amazing guy you are and how much fun it is to be around you. Be strategic. Without looking like a stalker, make sure you're hanging out in some of the same places so she can see what a blast it is to be around you.
- Laugh it up. If she sees you, try to laugh with your friends as much as you can without being too obvious about it.
- Be animated. If she's around, be very animated and interested in the conversations you're having, showing that you're a passionate guy who loves to talk to his friends.
- Don't ignore her when she sees you. Give her a small wave and go back to the great conversation you were having.
- Dance. That's right. Chances are she was mad that you didn't dance with her more. Let her see you getting down on the dance floor and having a great time.
- Let her see you being your best self. There was obviously something she liked about you, so use your assets to your advantage.
Make her jealous (optional). This is an optional move because it depends on the situation. If your relationship ended because she was so jealous that you were always hanging around with other girls, then you shouldn't make her jealous or she'll just be reminded of the reason why things didn't work out between you. But if your relationship ended because she thought you were just too into her, or that she was bored by you, then making her jealous is a great move. Here's how to do it:
- If you're on speaking terms, casually mention other girls. You can mention one girl a few times, leading her to wonder, "Who is this girl?" Or you can just talk about a group of girls, mentioning that you were at a party that was filled with mostly girls but that you were "okay with that."
- Let her see you with other girls. Chat with her for a few minutes before moving on to flirt with another girl that's nearby. Make sure you're close enough for her to watch it happen.
Don't overdo it. If she hears you talking about other girls and sees you flirting with others, she may want you even more, but if you're all over every girl at every party, you may look desperate or sleazy
- If it was too easy the first time, make her chase you. If you can't think of what went wrong in the relationship because you smothered her with love, then chances are that this was exactly what went wrong. She must have felt that your love and relationship was too easy, so you should try to make it more of a challenge.
- Be aloof. You should still give her some attention, but act busy or distracted and like you're not giving all your attention to her for once. This will confuse her and will make her want you more.
- Be sparing with the compliments. If you did nothing but compliment her 24/7 when you were together, give her just one compliment to show that you're not obsessing over her.
- Let her come to you. She was probably used to having you come up to her, touch her, and talk to her all the time; now, it's time for some role reversal. If you're at a party, let her approach you instead of stopping everything you're doing to head her way.
If it was too hard the first time, make it easier. If you broke up because she felt that you didn't give her enough affection or time or that you spent too much time flirting with other women, it's time to do the exact opposite and to make yourself available to her and have no other women on your radar.
- Show her that your schedule is free and that you're up for hanging out whenever. She'll no longer have to hang out with you during the one hour you're free.
- Don't make her jealous. In your case, you should stay away from the other ladies as much as possible to show that you only have eyes for her.
- Take the time to listen. If she thought you didn't care about her feelings before, maintain eye contact and let her talk without interrupting. You can mention something she said in the conversation a day later to show that you really do hang on to her every word.
- Compliment her. If you never complimented her before, she'll see that you changed.
If you hurt her, apologize. If you really want her back, you have to be the man and apologize for what went wrong. If she was hurt by you, she'll want to stay away from you for fear of getting hurt again. So man up and tell her you made a mistake.
- Make sure to do this in person. It won't do if you just send her a text message or an e-mail; it has to be in person otherwise she will see that you are not very serious about this apology and so she won't take it seriously either. So braven up and go apologise for what you did to her.
- Be sincere. Maintain eye contact when you talk to her and keep a calm, even tone. She won't believe you if it sounds like you're apologizing just because it's what you should do.
- Be specific. Don't just say, "I'm sorry for everything." Say, "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you when you really wanted to talk. I should have been much more attentive." She will appreciate this, and it will make you seem more self-aware.
- Don't be disappointed if she doesn't accept your apology right away. If she doesn't accept it, she's probably still working through what happened but still appreciates your effort. Just say, "You can't blame me for trying" instead of arguing her into accepting your apology.
Show what a better, more mature person you've become. She should be able to see how much you've changed without you having to say it yourself or to convince her that you're completely different. Face it -- many girls are more mature than their male counterparts, so wow her with your ability to be rational and mature.
- Don't be moody. Act even-keeled and calm, and she'll be impressed.
- Be confident. Show her that you're happy who you are and what you do, and she'll be happier with who you are too.
- Be responsible. Show her that you can manage your finances, hold down a good job, and take care of your dog at the same time.
- Don't be jealous. Don't ask her about that guy she's been talking to; this will only encourage her to talk to him more, and will make you look insecure for caring.
Tell her how you feel. Once she wants you a bit more and can see that you're a different person, it's time to stop playing games and to tell her how you really feel. How else can you get the ball rolling? If it ended badly, she's not going to ask you to pick things up again, so you need to get your act together and open up.
- Tell her at the right place and time. Pick a time when she's not too busy and you can be alone, ideally at night or in a semi-secluded location.
- Maintain eye contact when you tell her. No looking around, no checking your phone.
- No more Mr. Tough Guy. It's time to be open and honest and to share your true feelings.
- First, acknowledge what went wrong, and apologize for it again if you haven't already. Then, tell her how much you've changed and how much you'd love to give it another try.
- Say, "I can't believe what an idiot I've been. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I really screwed it up. Let me make it up to you."
- Don't sound like you're begging and pleading; instead, make it sound like barely a question at all. Let her know that you're going to try again, and hopefully you'll get the answer you were looking for.
Turn up the romance factor. Bring her flowers and take her to a romantic restaurant. Now, you shouldn't overdo it to the point that she feels uncomfortable. Just add a little bit of the romance that was probably missing before.
Compliment her. Let her know she looks nice when you pick her up, and compliment her throughout the date.
Let her know how much you've missed her. Find one or two moments during the date when you tell her how glad you are to have her in your life.

Keep the girl this time. If the date went well, and if there are more dates to follow, you need to make sure the relationship doesn't end for the same reason if you really want to stay with this girl. If she's a keeper, you must remind yourself that you have to continue making her feel special.
- Remind yourself what happened the last time, and vow not to do it again.
- Look at it as starting fresh. You don't have to rehash the old relationship, but work on building something completely new and much better.
- Relax. Just enjoy being with the girl instead of worrying about not screwing up again all the time.
Make sure you are calm when you tell her. Stuttering will make her think you're not confident, which isn't the right way to start.
If you ask your girl back out while around friends, she might think you are brave and say yes. But, be careful as this path could turn left instead of right, and she could get embarrassed.
If you really botched it so badly that she doesn't even want to look at you, it may be time to give up. Don't try again until at least a long enough time has passed for her to be able to get over it all
(Source: wikiHow).
(Source: wikiHow).
Questions and comments are greatly appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you.
Have a great week ahead
For more info:
Phone no:+2348099445118, +2348060201746
Blackbery pin: 2B2764B8
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Previously, I mentioned how women ought
to clean their private parts and keep it fresh always, so this post is all
about you guys...Yayyy!!!
Many guys complain that women smell like fish down
there, some say it smells like decayed fish, sardines, etc .,
Guys, the truth is that a lot of you suffer from
extreme case of "smelly balls syndrome".
Please don't bad mouth a woman with poor hygiene if
you know you are brewing your own "sewage" down below as well?
Smelly balls are no joke and can be a potential red
flag when it comes down to intimacy and sex.
Seriously, no woman wants to go down
there and pass out from a stench.
The guide today will serve as a tool to help you
improve your personal hygiene.
I will only discuss this briefly but I encourage
anyone with more in-depth suggestions to please leave a comment in the comments
section below. If you have a personal question, feel free to send me an email
or just post a comment via anonymous and we would get back to you as soon as
· First of all, make sure your pubic hair is
well-groomed/trimmed. Even if you hate shaving or waxing completely, pleaseeeeee endeavour to trim your pubic hair.
Using a clean washcloth dampened with warm soapy
water, scrub your penis and your balls thoroughly. Do not scrub too hard to
avoid irritation and so on.
· Remember to lift the shaft up and wash thoroughly. Failure to do so can
result in accumulation of foul odour. In this step if you are uncircumcised,
pull the foreskin away from the head of your penis before washing your penis.
Failure to pull the foreskin back will cause in build-up of dead skin cells,
dirt, oil and even bacteria, and it is very unhygienic, and can cause
infections too.
· Be sexually responsible. If you are not married, abstinence is the key. Alternatively,
use condoms and be faithful to your partner who has been tested and is free
from sexually transmitted diseases.
· The perineum should be given an utmost attention. This is often a part
that goes unwashed by some guys. Scrub it thoroughly. This is a part close to
your rectum so failure to do so will result in unpleasant odour.
· When you are done scrubbing, dry yourself with a clean towel and make
sure the penis is pat dry too. Apply a dab of lotion. Avoid heavily scented
lotions because they can be very harsh on the skin thereby causing irritation.
· Many guys complain of having smelly balls after working out or
sometime during the day before their night shower and so on. The best thing to do for
yourself is to keep unscented baby wipes handy at all times. This is a lifesaver
because if you are at school or work and notice you have smelly balls, all you have to do is grab
some baby wipes and wipe your penis & balls down completely. This will keep
you fresh till you get home for another shower. Lastly, always keep your underwears clean.
Consult your physician if smell persists***
Below are pictures of underwears

Note: If these underwears are not worn appropriately, it could cause heat
which would likely result to an offensive odour amongst other health risks.
Questions and comments are greatly appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you.
Have a great week ahead
Have a great week ahead
For more info:
Phone no:+2348099445118, +2348060201746
Blackbery pin: 2B2764B8
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Many women and girls feel paranoid about how they smell "down
there"--you are not alone! The truth is, every female has her own
signature scent, and if you have a sexual partner, your partner probably
doesn't mind it a bit. At the same time, if you're feeling a little insecure,
then it won't hurt to make sure that you're covering all of the bases when you
wash your vagina. You deserve to feel clean and confident.
- Lather up a washcloth with some mild antibacterial soap and water. Avoid using soaps with heavy perfumes, which may irritate the sensitive skin around your vagina
- Clean the folds around your clitoris. Use your fingers to pull your vulva away from your clitoris. Gently scrub the skin on both sides of your clitoris with the washcloth
- Wash your vulva and your vaginal opening. Also, scrub around your bikini line.
- Scrub your perineum. The perineum is the area between your vagina and your anus.
- Wash your anal area last. Keep your washcloth from touching your vaginal area after you've washed your anus. Doing this will ensure that you don't drag rectal germs toward your vaginal area. These germs can cause you to get urinary tract infections.
- Wash your vagina at least once per day. If you have sex, you may want to wash it a second time if you're worried about how your body's scent interacts with the scent of semen.
Keeping Yourself Smelling Fresh.
- Trim,
wax or shave your pubic hair. Thick pubic hair can cause you to sweat down
below, which may make you have some issues with odour.
- Stay
clean during your period. Change your pad or your tampon frequently,
according to the directions on the package. If you're worried about how
you smell when you're having your period, you can wash your vagina 2 or 3
times a day.
- Wear cotton underwear:That a particular under wear is beautiful doesn’t make it good for you. Avoid panties made from synthetic as these inhibit the free flow of air around the vaginal area, creating the ideal damp, warm condition for bacterial growth Breathable fabric helps to prevent vaginal odour.
- Try a panty liner: The cotton will help your vagina to breathe while absorbing any excess discharge. If you like the way they make you feel, you can graduate to reusable cotton menstrual pads or menstrual cups.
- Poor Hygiene: Another thing that makes you have vaginal odour and infections is poor hygiene. Women should learn to always take their bath before going to bed.
- Douching/Scented and Harsh Soaps: It would do you a lot of good if you can stay off those douching products in the market and avoid those scented or harsh soaps such as those with deodorants and anti bacterial action. Douching happens to be one of the major causes of vaginal itching. Your vagina doesn’t require excessive cleansing. Repetitive douching disrupts the normal organisms in the vagina and can actually increase the risk of vaginal infection.
- Coloured toilet paper and bubble bath should also be avoided: White toilet tissue is the best for you. I know you enjoy having a bubble bath, but it could be one of the reasons for your constant application of Canesten. If you live a very healthy lifestyle, you won't be need Canesten and those antibiotics that weaken your immune system.
- Public Toilet: Reduce and if possible, stop the use of public toilets.
- Too much of fried and spicy foods:are not good for your vaginals. Also make it a habit to take yogurt regularly. If you have the problem of this foul odour emanating from the vaginal area each time your man sleeps with you, you really have to do something before it wrecks your relationship.
- Eat the
right foods with enough fruits and vegetables: Take your milk and yogurt regularly. If you have the itching, try
applying fresh, natural yoghurt to your vagina like thrice daily. Keep
your vaginal skin dry always.
- Bathe
as part of your foreplay:So are you worried that your partner won't like
your scent? Take a sexy shower or a steamy bath before you have sex. Let
your partner wash your vagina for you. Who knows? It might lead to all
kinds of fun. :)
Questions and comments are greatly appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you.
Have a great week ahead
Have a great week ahead
For more info:
Phone no:+2348099445118, +2348060201746
Blackbery pin: 2B2764B8
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
How Bad Is Your Breath?
Bad breath, morning breath, breath odor or halitosis are all terms used to describe a noticeably unpleasant odor exhaled on the breath. Halitosis is not a problem by itself, but it can cause concerns in our interpersonal relationships.
We are all familiar with how the consumption of certain foods such as garlic and onions can affect our breath. This occurs because these foods are absorbed into our bloodstream, where they are transferred to our lungs and exhaled. Fortunately, bad breath caused by the foods we eat is only temporary.
We are all familiar with how the consumption of certain foods such as garlic and onions can affect our breath. This occurs because these foods are absorbed into our bloodstream, where they are transferred to our lungs and exhaled. Fortunately, bad breath caused by the foods we eat is only temporary.
Common Causes of Bad Breath
The truth is, most breath odor comes from food particles trapped in our mouths. When food remains in the mouth, it becomes a breeding ground for the bacteria that can cause bad breath. Other causes can include poor oral health, improper cleaning of dentures, periodontal disease as well as smoking & tobacco products. Bad breath can also be sign of an underlying medical condition of the stomach, lungs and bloodstream.
Another little known situation that can contribute to halitosis is xerostomia (dry mouth). When our mouth is dry, saliva production decreases, leaving the mouth’s natural ability to clean itself impaired. Saliva is the mouth’s natural mouthwash, which contains properties that reduces bacteria in the mouth. Alcohol consumption, certain medications, breathing through the mouth instead of the nose or a salivary gland disorder can contribute to having a dry mouth.
Another little known situation that can contribute to halitosis is xerostomia (dry mouth). When our mouth is dry, saliva production decreases, leaving the mouth’s natural ability to clean itself impaired. Saliva is the mouth’s natural mouthwash, which contains properties that reduces bacteria in the mouth. Alcohol consumption, certain medications, breathing through the mouth instead of the nose or a salivary gland disorder can contribute to having a dry mouth.
Ways to Fight Against Bad Breath
· Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal to remove food particle from the mouth.
· When you are brushing your teeth, also brush your tongue. The tongue is covered with thousands of tiny hairs that can trap bacteria.
· Have regular check-ups with your dentist to rule out gum disease and to correct any faulty restorations, overhanging fillings or leaking crowns, all of which can trap food in the mouth.
· Chew sugarless gum or suck to increase the flow of saliva.
· If your mouth is dry, drink plenty of water. Try swooshing it around in your mouth for at least twenty seconds to loosen any food particles the bacteria can feed upon.
· Avoid breath mints and mouthwashes that contain alcohol. Instead of helping, they can make things worse. They only temporarily cover the smell and tend to dry the mouth, creating a more favorable environment for bacteria.
· Snacking on vegetables such as raw celery or carrots can keep plaque from forming.
· If you are going to an important meeting or on a big date, avoid foods that can cause bad breath, such as onions and garlic.
· Avoid alcohol and caffeine consumption, which can dry the mouth.
· Quit smoking. Tar and nicotine can build up on the surface of the teeth, tongue and cheeks. It can also dry the mouth and inhibit saliva flow.
· Chlorophyll is a natural breath freshener and is found in leafy green vegetables like bitterleave and stem.
· A few drops of peppermint or tea tree oil can be applied to the tongue or toothbrush to help freshen the breath. In addition to its refreshing nature, their antibacterial properties will kill the bacteria found in the mouth.
· Baking soda has a long history of being used to maintain good oral health and for fighting bad breath.
· A mixture of 50% hydrogen peroxide and 50% water can be swooshed around in the mouth and used as a mouthwash. Hydrogen peroxide can kill many of the bacteria that can cause bad breath.
Questions and comments are greatly appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you.
Enjoy your week…
For more info:
Phone number: +2348060201746,2348099445118
Blackberry pin: 28025946A
Enjoy your week…
For more info:
Phone number: +2348060201746,2348099445118
Blackberry pin: 28025946A
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