Previously, I mentioned how women ought
to clean their private parts and keep it fresh always, so this post is all
about you guys...Yayyy!!!
Many guys complain that women smell like fish down
there, some say it smells like decayed fish, sardines, etc .,
Guys, the truth is that a lot of you suffer from
extreme case of "smelly balls syndrome".
Please don't bad mouth a woman with poor hygiene if
you know you are brewing your own "sewage" down below as well?
Smelly balls are no joke and can be a potential red
flag when it comes down to intimacy and sex.
Seriously, no woman wants to go down
there and pass out from a stench.
The guide today will serve as a tool to help you
improve your personal hygiene.
I will only discuss this briefly but I encourage
anyone with more in-depth suggestions to please leave a comment in the comments
section below. If you have a personal question, feel free to send me an email
or just post a comment via anonymous and we would get back to you as soon as
· First of all, make sure your pubic hair is
well-groomed/trimmed. Even if you hate shaving or waxing completely, pleaseeeeee endeavour to trim your pubic hair.
Using a clean washcloth dampened with warm soapy
water, scrub your penis and your balls thoroughly. Do not scrub too hard to
avoid irritation and so on.
· Remember to lift the shaft up and wash thoroughly. Failure to do so can
result in accumulation of foul odour. In this step if you are uncircumcised,
pull the foreskin away from the head of your penis before washing your penis.
Failure to pull the foreskin back will cause in build-up of dead skin cells,
dirt, oil and even bacteria, and it is very unhygienic, and can cause
infections too.
· Be sexually responsible. If you are not married, abstinence is the key. Alternatively,
use condoms and be faithful to your partner who has been tested and is free
from sexually transmitted diseases.
· The perineum should be given an utmost attention. This is often a part
that goes unwashed by some guys. Scrub it thoroughly. This is a part close to
your rectum so failure to do so will result in unpleasant odour.
· When you are done scrubbing, dry yourself with a clean towel and make
sure the penis is pat dry too. Apply a dab of lotion. Avoid heavily scented
lotions because they can be very harsh on the skin thereby causing irritation.
· Many guys complain of having smelly balls after working out or
sometime during the day before their night shower and so on. The best thing to do for
yourself is to keep unscented baby wipes handy at all times. This is a lifesaver
because if you are at school or work and notice you have smelly balls, all you have to do is grab
some baby wipes and wipe your penis & balls down completely. This will keep
you fresh till you get home for another shower. Lastly, always keep your underwears clean.
Consult your physician if smell persists***
Below are pictures of underwears

Note: If these underwears are not worn appropriately, it could cause heat
which would likely result to an offensive odour amongst other health risks.
Questions and comments are greatly appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you.
Have a great week ahead
Have a great week ahead
For more info:
Phone no:+2348099445118, +2348060201746
Blackbery pin: 2B2764B8