You can Judge a man by his shoes, they reveal whether he takes pride in the little things. If he throws on a nice suit and pairs it with cheap, clunky lace-ups, he’s not what you will call a detail man. And if he leaves his pricey wingtips scratch and unpolished, then he is definitely not the clean guy he should be.

There are numerous styles of shoes out there, but what’s great about being a man is that you can do perfectly well by sticking with just a few. If you invest in a handful of sensible (and stylish) pairs and take care of them, you’ll be set for years. Good news is you don’t have to spend a fortune or go for the Italian brands to get the high quality and style you desire, St David’s brand, experts in leather craft, with a special focus on shoes, a purely Nigerian brand, is here to satisfy that need.
For Mr David O. Ibe, Creative Director, the St. David’s a lot of people are not aware that African shoe designs have come of age in terms of quality and style.
According to David, who recently showcased a laudable collection of shoes at the GTB Lagos fashion and design week held last October, “We have come to show the public that leather items that can match world standard can be produced here in Nigeria.
This is also reflected by the expression of awe shown by visitors to our stand. A lot of them have realized that their quest for Italian shoes was futile all along”. Items from St David’s stables include shoes, bags, belts, wrist bangles and other custom leather products with a bespoke touch to each item.
Culled from Vanguard